Up until now, complete more than 200 countries and regions in the world are nearly close to the giant panda of the disappearance, could find their figure only in the remote,thickly forested mountains of some areas of Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu of our country. Present in whole world giant panda total number 1000 under only, in reduce constantly quantity.
Count 78% of the female infertile giant pandas according to science, there are 90% of the male sterile giant pandas, this has brought a lot of difficulties to reproduction of the giant panda
In zoology, the giant panda belongs to Carnivora. According to
Count 78% of the female infertile giant pandas according to science, there are 90% of the male sterile giant pandas, this has brought a lot of difficulties to reproduction of the giant panda
In zoology, the giant panda belongs to Carnivora. According to
research, the ancient name of the giant panda has tapir, white
leopard, supposition,etc॥ Later period during the early
regeneration generation by 1 million of generation of regeneration
more than 2 million years ago, the giant panda has already
widespreaded in the southern part of our country, makes up
the giant panda ----Stegodon's animal group; This a lot of kinds
of group animals have already killed definitely today, but the giant
panda has been living all the time, so the giant panda is known as
living fossil।
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